Apr 15, 2011

Free Floral + Poses

Post bem rápido, porque o Kirstens Viewer me dá nos nervos ¬¬ Mas as sombras valem a pena o estresse, hehe. Estes modelitos fofos são totalmente free, cada um deles vem com todos os acessórios mostrados na foto, incluindo calçados *O* Essas poses bem básicas estão nas notícias do grupo Marukin.
Just a quick post, bacause Kirstens Viewer drives me crazy ¬¬ But the shadows are worth the stress, hehe. These cute outfits are completely free, each one comes with all the accessories shown in the pic, including shoes *O* These basic poses are in the notices of Marukin group.

Outfits completos / Complete Outfits - MMayako - L$0
Poses - Marukin - L$0 - noticias / group notices (join)
Cabelo / Hair - fri.day (Tatum) - L$125 (50% de desconto / 50% off)