May 24, 2012


Um look praiano composto por este bonito bikini com canga mesh da GCD, a canga vem nas versões opaca e transparente *.* Também acompanha o colar.
A linda skin da .tsg. encontra-se em 3 tons de pele e é item exclusivo para o evento Skin Addiction que começa dia 25/05.
A FZaPP lançou este conjunto de brincos e enfeite de cabeça (mesh) bem interessante com detalhes de abacaxis e flores, super tropical *.* E vamos às fotos!
This new bikini by GCD includes mesh sarong in normal and sheer version and also necklace. The pretty Lumiere skin by .tsg. in this specific make-up called Catwoman that I'm showing is a exclusive item for the Skin Addiction event that starts on May 25th.
FZaPP released this interesting set that includes earrings and headpiece with pineapples and daisies details, very pretty and different. Let's take a look at it!
Skin - .tsg. Lumiere :: Catwoman:: @Skin Addiction
Brincos e Enfeite de Cabeça / Earrings and Headpiece (MESH!)- FZaPP "Set Abacaxi-de-Campos" *NEW*
Bikini, Canga & Colar / Bikini, Sarong & Necklace - GCD "Sunday Kini and Mesh Sarong" *NEW*
Unhas / Nails - Mstyle
Bellypiercing - +:+WTG+:+ **Honey Bee** - Mini-Mania (Group/Tag)
Pés / Feet - N-Core
Poses - Purple Poses (1-3) Izzie's (4-5)

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